Essays & Articles
Taylor has written essays and articles that range from the academic (literature) to popular journalism (religion, cultural analysis) to literary nonfiction. Some can be found online.
A complete list of essays and articles can be found in Daniel Taylor’s Complete Vitae.
“Not None, Not Done,” Christianity Today, Sept-Oct 2024.
“I Tell My Mother Lies,” Image, Number 64, Winter 2009-2010.
“Rest for the Weary: Eliot’s Four Quartets,” Books and Culture, January/February 2009.
“How to Pick a President: Why Virtue Trumps Policy,” Christianity Today, June 2008.
“Living with a Big Poem: Reflections on The Waste Land,” Books & Culture, September/October 2005.
“Soul Friends: The Christian Writer and Community,” Image, Number 38, Spring 2003.
“Many Bibles, One Scripture: The Gift of Translation,” Books & Culture, September/October 2002.
“The Last Medieval Man” (Thomas More), Books & Culture, May/June 2001.
“Wizards and Hobbits,” Books & Culture, May/June 1996.
“In Pursuit of Character, Part I,” Christianity Today, December 1995.
“In Pursuit of Character, Part II,” Christianity Today, December 1995.