Bible Translation

Taylor serves as a stylist on The New Living Translation of the Bible and has also worked on revisions of The New Century Version. In addition, he co-produced The Expanded Bible, a reference and study work that shows multiple translation possibilities.


New Living Translation

Tyndale House Publishers (1996, 2004)

Bible translation are often identified by the translation approach they follow, from a more word for word emphasis (formal equivalence) to a more thought for thought emphasis (functional equivalence). The NLT takes the latter approach, with an emphasis on clarity and readability.

Daniel Taylor: “It looks nice on one’s resume, under ‘Books Written,’ to list ‘The Bible.’ But it might be seen as a tad presumptuous. Actually, for ten years I was a stylist on the New Living Translation. My job was to speak up for clarity, economy, felicity and contemporary English. It introduced me to a new world of Bible scholars, Bible publishing, and theories of translation—and gave me some great friends. I learned a lot and put in my two cents. A word to those with a favorite Bible translation (and hostility towards all the rest): God doesn’t, in my opinion, have a favorite translation—in English or any other language. He makes sure they all accomplish his purposes in the hearts and minds of those who seek him.”


The Expanded Bible

Thomas Nelson (2009, 2011)

This is not a new Bible translation, but rather a Bible reference and study tool intended for the common reader that shows many possible translation choices within the text. The Expanded Bible uses brackets and various codings to show within the text such things as alternate translation possibilities, literal and traditional renderings, commentary, and the like. It’s like having a condensed reference library embedded within the text of the Bible.

Daniel Taylor: “The Expanded Bible puts the reader in the shoes of a translator, looking at various possibilities for each word or phrase. It is more for study than for reading extended passages.

I was one of a three-person team that created the text—along with Tremper Longman III and Mark Strauss, aided by publisher representative Bob Sennett. In some ways, this kind of work is much easier than a straight translation because one does not have to wrestle over alternative possibilities. If it’s a legitimate possibility, then it goes in the text, allowing the reader to see the range of choices. The New Testament came out in 2009 and the complete Bible in 2011.”